by Overskies

Over the past decade—since the genesis and subsequent ubiquity of video streaming platforms like YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, and a growing number of others—more and more consumers are favoring video over other forms of content.

This is hugely advantageous for brands willing to embrace video marketing.

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Topics:VideoBranded Content

by Overskies

Stop and think about your daily browsing habits for a minute. Consider the sites you visit regularly and the types of content you consume, whether for work or leisure.

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by Overskies

Today’s advertising has become incredibly personalized. As such, consumers have come to expect ad experiences tailored specifically to them, targeted at their wants and interests. This strategy has become increasingly more common, with amazing results - especially for dynamic video ads.

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by Overskies

Customer data is abundant these days. Some even say it’s overabundant. There is no shortage of ways to find, collect, analyze, and utilize it as part of one’s marketing strategy.

In a way, brands no longer have an excuse to not use it.

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by Overskies

None of us are strangers to the term “company culture.” But it’s not just some fancy buzzword. It’s something that has a far-reaching impact, from how seriously job prospects consider working for you to how customers feel about giving you their money.

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Topics:VideoBranded Content

by Overskies

When it comes to building your brand, you can’t sleep on video content. At this point, continuing to do so could actually be detrimental to your growth. The video-centric future is here, and the data proves it.

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Topics:VideoBranded Content

by Overskies

The road to great branded content is paved with good intentions, but let’s be honest. In the scramble to keep up with the competition, prove ROI to leadership, and increase content output speed, it’s easy for marketers to get ahead of themselves by creating content without a clue as to how they’re going to actually promote it.

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by Overskies

Our attention spans are shrinking.

No, seriously. We’ve all gotten really bad at staying focused.

Even as you’re reading this, your mind is probably inclined to wander. There are ads and Black Mirror episodes and emails and animal Instagrams just dying to snatch your attention away—and you clicked into this post willingly.

So imagine, then, what it’s like for your customers debating if they should pull the trigger on your product or service.

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Topics:B2BVideoBranded Content

by Overskies

Just about everyone knows that video is the new darling of the marketing world. In fact, many marketers—even those in the B2B space—have gotten their video marketing strategy down to a science.

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by Overskies

Programmatic advertising is growing by leaps and bounds. It's estimated that in 2018 alone, over $46 billion will be spent on programmatic ads, up $10 billion compared to last year. Additionally, automated channels will be used to purchase 82.5% of all US digital display ads in 2018.

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