Brand Storytelling Services

Every Brand Has A Story

Let us help you tell yours. 

Call me Ishmael.

For sale: baby shoes, never worn. 

Think Different.

What do these simple strings of words have in common? They create an immediate emotional connection with the reader. 

98% of humans make buying decisions based on trust, authenticity, and social proof, which is just another way of saying that 98% of humans buy based on the story they believe in their hearts and minds that your brand tells.

But it’s incredibly difficult to know what that story should be, and that’s why there’s over 33 million businesses in America and you probably remember 20 of them. 

Brand storytelling, done right, is the core from which all of your marketing and communications flow. It forms the foundation for customer loyalty, and can even inform how you develop and pursue new product offerings and services. 

Overskies has developed a proprietary 6-step Brand Storytelling Process that uses data and creative insight to craft a brand story that perfectly captures the essence of your brand, builds deep emotional connections with your customers, differentiates you in a crowded marketplace, and optimizes your marketing effectiveness. 


What Makes Us Different

Crafting a compelling brand story forces you to take an outsider’s perspective on what makes you special. Using stakeholder interviews, consumer and competitive data, and story modeling/creative ideation, we uncover what makes your brand unique and provide you with custom methods to flow it into your marketing efforts.

How We Do Storytelling

  • We leverage our proprietary 6-step Brand Storytelling Process to lead the way for differentiation and growth
  • We conduct internal and external surveys and interviews to develop themes and uncover the “why” that sets your brand apart 
  • We utilize market and brand research, AI surveys, and social listening to get an understanding of the needs you fulfill for your potential consumers
  • We design custom brand storytelling materials to permeate your message across different channels and help move your story along
  • We focus on concept ideation and creative brainstorming to develop your brand story concepts and structure

Our Philosophy

No one knows your brand better than you, but sometimes if you’re too close to see it objectively, you could be missing that spark that makes your company stand out. At Overskies, we’re that outside perspective that through research and creative expertise, can uncover the perfect way to tell your brand story. But that’s just the beginning. In today’s content-driven, always-on world, we must be certain that the stories remain consistent and focused on the end-user, continually making them feel seen and heard. The business effects of this are plentiful and lasting.


Let's Talk

We’d love to speak with you, which means we’ll be in touch right away.

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