by Overskies

Clean & Elegant
Fully Responsive

YouTube continues to find ways to keep creators, agencies and brands leveraging the channel for growth and larger wallets, as it rolls out some incredible AI-powered features. From creating some lively and eye-catching visuals, building a solid community of fans, to expanding reach, and exploring new e-commerce opportunities, these features offer lots of new possibilities. Read on to dive into the latest YouTube innovations and learn how marketers and brands can harness them.

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Topics:VideoCreativeSocialYouTubeBrand Strategy

by Overskies

Clean & Elegant
Fully Responsive


Hello again, and welcome to part two of our three part TikTok video series. In part one, we talked about how brands can break into TikToK without breaking the bank. And in part two, we're going to cover over some content ideas for fueling your TikTok account. Alright, let's do it. 

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Topics:VideoCreativeSocialTikTokBrand Strategy

by Overskies

Clean & Elegant
Fully Responsive


Hey, everyone going to do a little three-part video series on TikTok, this being part one, the goal is to start a conversation around how brands can break into TikTok with a sound content strategy that doesn't completely bust their budget, which is a problem we are hearing and seeing. Time and  time again. All right.

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Topics:VideoBranded ContentCreativeBrandingTikTok

by Overskies

Clean & Elegant
Fully Responsive


I wanted to take some time to provide a small update on what's happening here at Overskies when it comes to AI. One thing we'll be unveiling soon are our AI principles. These are the key points that will guide the agency's adoption and use of AI. Top level? We believe that AI assists and augments, but does not replace human ability. And that it has the ability to maximize our productivity, but not at the expense of quality. In short, we believe in a responsible, human focused adoption of AI. We're also approaching AI through the lens of solving important business issues.

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Topics:VideoBranded ContentCreativeBranding

by Overskies

Clean & Elegant
Fully Responsive


So, after skimming countless 2024 trend reports and actually reading a few, I took a few moments to digest it all. And I've got a few ideas about what the next year might throw our way. Some of these reports suggest we might take a small breather after all the crazy, fast paced changes we've been dealing with. Which doesn't really sound half bad, right? I mean, everyone I follow is buzzing about the two C’s, community and connection, and how to do this at scale.

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Topics:VideoBranded ContentCreativeBranding

by Overskies

Think back to the most compelling marketing campaigns you’ve ever seen.

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by Overskies

In the marketing world, there is a huge, ever-growing divide between creativity and data-driven marketing.

Many creatives worry that the increasing reliance on data will kill the freedom to take risks and try out some of their more outside-the-box ideas.

Advocates of data-based marketing argue that marketing dollars shouldn't be wasted on potential crash-and-fail ideas that aren't guaranteed to hit their target audiences.

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