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by Overskies

In this age of Big Data, it’s easier than ever to develop campaigns that resonate with your audience and target them directly. While it was once a queasy notion that advertisers have so much data on everyone, by now, most consumers accept—and even expect—personalization throughout the customer experience...

...as long as they feel like they can trust you.

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by Overskies

In an episode from the fourth season of Seinfeld, Jerry is seated next to a fashion model named Tia. At her behest, Jerry opens the magazine he's reading to page 146, where he sees her posing, only a washcloth obscuring her otherwise naked body.

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Topics:Branded ContentStrategy

by Overskies

If you hang around CSI HQ long enough, you might notice that we get a bit...extra sometimes.

This is especially true when it comes to beating each other at stuff. While fairly mild-mannered on the outside, it turns out half of the agency is competitive AF. So, when our president Rich decided to kick off a new team-building tradition with a pub-style trivia game, needless to say, things got really REAL.

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Topics:Agency News

by Overskies

The road to great branded content is paved with good intentions, but let’s be honest. In the scramble to keep up with the competition, prove ROI to leadership, and increase content output speed, it’s easy for marketers to get ahead of themselves by creating content without a clue as to how they’re going to actually promote it.

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